LOVES! kaiying emma anna annia ashley alicia siyun! [so many "A"s]
:D :D :D
courtesy of liukaiying and my fullscap pad! :D
Studied with Kaiying Alicia Ashley Siyun at the library today, wasn't too productive for me, though. But still, it was fun and entertaining. ^_^
I realise I seldom blog about daily events nowadays, I wonder why. Perhaps they're too wonderful for me to sum up in a few paragraphs. Long time since i've walked down with Ali, kaikai, sy and ash, Anna and Annia had stuff on ): Many hilarious things happened as we walked downhill, that includes everything falling out of my file, and Alicia being crazy. Everybody being crazy, i mean.
Its breakfast on thursday for us! Set Okay!
Ashley was being a total retard for barking at me. D: We have also decided that we'll NOT vote the librarian for the kindness week thing, ah eng neither.
Chinese test, got back my trigo test and i failed. I'm disappointed. Even though I've just picked up trigo (scored 0 for trigo section in EOY), I expected myself to pass. Or at least scrape a pass. didn't think I would score so low, I'm really really really disappointed. Chem, too. Scored below average, failed. Why did they have to return my worst two subjects' testpapers all in a day?
English was hilarious, Chongrui's oral presentation really cracked me up, so did a couple of others! Sheena's one was full of advertisement HAHA! interesting presentation though. Mine was screwed since I talked in this oh-so-boring tone, and Samuel's great like always.
Finished watching Hotel rwanda during SEL, its so gruesome. Wars and riots are just so pointless. POINTLESS.
Met sy ash and kai for lunch (please read the top again before proceeding)
On a completely different note,
I just finished watching another jdrama, juyonsai no haha. There's a whole bunch of other names to it, check this out.
Watched most of it over the easter holidays, an episode per homework-break. I wonder why I watch so many jdoramas. Probably cause the last Taiwanese drama I watched, Gong zhu xiao mei, wasn't really my thing and..jdorama plots are much more attractive eh? Almost none of them are of pure romance, at least the ones i've watched were all great.
Juyon-sai no haha stars Shida Mirai and Miura Haruma, and Shida Mirai is really amazing. For those interested, She's also the lead actress for jyoou no kyoushitsu (or the queen's classroom). If you've also watched Koizora (or sky of love), Miura Haruma's the guy playing Hiro. The just so touching.
Personally, I thought Shida Mirai (Ichinose Miki in the drama) was much better than Miura Haruma (Kirino Satoshi) because her acting skills are really great, did I tell you she's a year younger than I am? Kiri-chan is definitely cute, but I can't really tell if haruma's a good actor or not, because he's supposed to be emotionless in the show, ahh. Kimutaku's the best actor around, too bad he's not here ):
The story's about 14 year-old Miki and 15 year-old satoshi/kiri-chan (junior high), and they fell in love with each other right at the beginning of the show. Miki got pregnant with kiri-chan's child, and her nightmare began... teenage pregnancy appears to be a rather serious issue even in Japan, thus Miki was faced with serious criticism from her parents, school and the public. Kiri-chan, on the other hand, was the child of a successful businesswomen who raised him up herself since their father had left them. She was overly protective of him, and refused to acknowledge that the baby was kiri's.
One would expect Miki to go for an abortion, since she was still schooling, but she didn't. She decided to let go of everything and give birth to the baby, even if it were to have no father in the future since Kiri-chan's mother refused to let him meet her ever again. Kiri loved miki, but there was nothing he could do for her, since he was pretty much controlled by his mom. (things got out of hand when a nosy reporter published an article about them, the growth of her successful company slowly declining).
Basically, the show was about Miki's personal growth during her pregnancy, how she was brave enough to walk out in the streets even with everybody staring at her with those cold glances. She promised Kiri that they would not have to see each other anymore since he had to graduate from an elite school. Her love for the baby and kiri-chan, and of course the great amount of support from her family afterwards was what kept her going through the months. From this, we can learn that there are always people who will stand by us no matter what admist all those heartless stares.
Eventually, she gave birth to a premature baby and named her Sora. Her life was almost lost while giving birth, thank goodness she survived. By then, Kiri's mother was in a state of bankruptcy and they fled to many different hotels. What moved me was how Kiri persuaded his stubborn mom to declare she was bankrupt, after he saw how Miki was doing her best and even risked her life for the baby. For once, Kiri made his own decision - to start working after junior high such that he can provide money for Sora, its his child afterall.
It ended off with a happy ending, Miki and Kiri got together and Sora, albeit tiny, became healthy enough to be discharged from the hospital. Throughout the whole drama, I was greatly moved by Miki's tremendously supportive parents who always thought of her before anything else. Miki's strong will touched the hearts of everybody around her, so that's what we need to succeed in life eh? I'm looking forward to its SP, if there's any
Moral of the story? Don't be engaged in premarital sex, or you'll face dire consequences. Also, stay strong even if you're faced with the greatest troubles, for there will always be a way out if you believe and stay strong. 困难像弹簧,你弱它就强。 Support your loved ones in whatever way you can, they can definitely feel it.
Love is such a great thing huh?
Sorry if this isn't really good ):
Anyway, please watch it when you have the time.
I'd give it a 4.8/5.
Sora kara furu ichioku no hoshi, ichi rittoru no namida, Joou no kyoushitsu, Nodame Cantabile and this: they're just a FEW of the dramas I simply adore.
I'll watch sora kara again soon, WHEN I HAVE THE TIME.
For now, i've promised to work harder. Pohsk surprisingly motivated me to study today.
sheena: hahaha ;D you too woman ^_^
{hahahaha you took mrpoh away today! DD: hahaha! ^_^ :D :D}
anon: used to? what happen haha
{too far away so i quitted TLL D: you study there?}
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